Bees are essential for all of us as they ensure 1/3 of the global food supply through their pollination. And yet, beekeepers all over the world observe worrying mortality rates in their colonies.
If nothing is done right now to help them, a world without these precious pollinators can become a tragic reality during our lifetime.

Multiple problems, one solution

The problem is complex, as there are many factors impacting bee health. From intensive agriculture practices to climate change and to globalization that spreads Varroa parasites and different bacteria and viruses – all of these are detrimental to their lifespan.
Lacking natural resources, bees and other insects developed deficiencies in microelements, some of which are essential for their vital functions. Their weakened immunity is no longer enough to fight against harmful pathogens.
Our vision is to preserve natural ecosystems, without replacing them with artificial solutions. Our first goal is to help honey bees survive. And quickly, as they cannot wait any longer!
Our patented molecule reinforces the natural immune system of the bees. It is based on a trace element naturally present in the honey bee organism. It is 100% non-toxic, and it does not leave any traces in honey.
Key benefits for the honey bees

It has proven its efficiency in strengthening bee colony resistance against Varroa mites and diseases. Thanks to its anti-oxidant properties, it also helps fight some of the adverse effects of pesticides and pollution.
The product has been developed and tested by multiple independent research laboratories in Europe and the United States. Its efficiency was proven on more than 1300 hives in five different countries in collaboration with professional beekeepers.

What makes us different?
We are scientists before being a company. During 8 years of our research, our main goal was to understand what bees lacked and how we could help them. This approach led us to a unique innovation with very solid scientific and in-field results.
We know precisely how, why, and when our product works, and we can provide beekeepers with our expertise. We are not marketers, but scientists – and helping beekeepers is our mission.

How to use it?
For the best results, the product should be provided 3 times per year as a preventive treatment, mixed in the sugar solutions:
- Sirup for the early spring and autumn feeding
- Patties for the winter feeding
The product is not yet available on the market. Contact us if you would like to test the product!
Our partners & prices
Is your product suitable for other pollinators?
Our molecule is based on trace elements naturally present in all living organisms. It plays an important role not only for bees but for all insects, animals, and even humans! Oligofeed\’s mission is to develop healthy micronutrients for other species that need our help.
Is there any difference in your product efficiency depending on bee species?
We tested our product on Apis mellifera subspecies, including black bees and Buckfast, in five different countries (France, the US, Spain, Moldova, and Greece). We have not observed any difference depending on the subspecies. The efficiency depends mainly on the starting point (we can only fill the bees batteries to up to 100%, no more 🙂 ).